I’ve been blogging for one and a half years, but I never read a book on writing to improve my writing. That’s why in the beginning of this year I decided to do so. From what I found around the…
As an individual we are like a company. That’s one reason why I love to read business books: there are a lot of business ideas that can be applied at individual level. But seeing ourselves as a company is not…
A few days ago I asked you about your best productivity tip while I also shared mine. From the discussion, it’s clear to me that I saw the problem from different perspective than most of you who participated. This –…
A few months after releasing his first e-book, Leo Babauta from Zen Habits released his second e-book entitled Zen Habits Handbook for Life: Hundreds of Tips for Simplicity, Happiness, Productivity. I received a review copy in my inbox in the…
Laziness is the enemy of productivity. If we were lazy, there is no way we could accomplish meaningful things. We may procrastinate doing things, or – even if we do them – we may do them only half-heartedly. There is…
Passive income is our key to financial freedom. The more passive income we generate, the less dependent we are on our job. At one point, when our passive income exceeds our expenses, we can stop working anytime we want and…
There are a lot of productivity resources and there are tons of productivity tips. But what is the best productivity tip? If we must choose only one productivity tip, what would that be? Of course, there is no single answer…
I read a lot about highly productive people, companies, and countries, and from what I learn, there seems to be a common trait behind them all. This trait makes the difference between the average and the superior performers. The common…
The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill Our thoughts can make or break our life. Use it well, and we will prosper. Use it badly, and we will suffer. Investing on your mind is…
Last December, Andrew Rondeau from Great Management interviewed me for Great Successful People audio program. While I do not consider myself a great successful people (especially compared to the other interviewees), I feel honored to be included. Recently, the product…